BES Parent Involvement
Bluebonnet Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy 2024-2025
Statement of Purpose
Bluebonnet Elementary is dedicated to the success of all students. The faculty and staff believe in the importance of having our families as vital partners in the education of their children. At Bluebonnet Elementary, we believe that parent involvement is essential to the success of our children and welcome the opportunity to work toward establishing a working relationship with our families.
As a campus, we are committed to:
● Respecting parents as partners in the education of their children and honoring their role as first and lifelong teachers; increasing the capacity of our school personnel to work in partnership with their families
● Expecting high academic achievements for all students
● Promoting family involvement through site-based leadership and partnered decision-making
● Fostering a welcoming and responsive environment for all family members
● Establishing and promoting open communication as a source of information and trust between the Bluebonnet Elementary staff and families
● Providing the means, whenever possible, for the participation of families with barriers to participation that include, but not limited to, English Language Learners, disabilities, or migratory status
● Informing families if their children have been taught for four (4) or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified within the meaning of the term in section 200.56 of the Title 1 Final Regulations (67 Fed. Reg. 71710, December 2, 2002)
Parent Involvement means the participation of family members in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
(A) that families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
(B) that families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
(C) that families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
(D) the carrying out of other activities as described in section 1118 of the ESEA (Elementary School Education Act).
Parent Involvement in Developing the Policy
Bluebonnet Elementary stakeholders will jointly develop, review, and revise the Bluebonnet Elementary Parent Involvement Policy. Stakeholders may include:
● Parents and family members that are representative of the school community as a whole
● School personnel (teachers, administrators, staff, etc.)
In addition, all family members of existing students will be invited to partake in a review and revision process at the end of every academic year (April-May) in preparation for the following year.
Parent Involvement Opportunities
Bluebonnet Elementary values the formal and informal partnerships of families in their children’s education. There are many ways families can make significant contributions to student success at home, at school, and in general. We seek to coordinate and integrate family involvement opportunities with other programs of the school. In addition, Bluebonnet Elementary will seek to increase both the school’s and families’ capacity to increase family involvement. These include, but are not limited to participation in the following activities:
Meet the Teacher Night Parent Education Workshops Co-Curricular Programs
Title I Content Nights Field Day Fine Arts Night
PTA and school fundraisers PTA Sponsored Events PTA meetings
Holiday Parties
Reservation of Funds
Bluebonnet Elementary School will set aside at least 1% of its Title 1 funds for the purpose of supporting its parent involvement program. The administration will consult with the Campus Education Improvement Committee (CEIC) regarding the use of funds designated for family involvement.
Annual Meeting
Bluebonnet Elementary will hold the Teacher/Curriculum Night during the first two- three weeks of the school year.
1. the Title 1 program will be described and school performance information shared
2. the Parent Involvement Policy will be distributed, discussed, and reviewed
3. school curriculum and forms of academic assessment used to measure children’s progress will be discussed
4. the proficiency levels students are expected to achieve are reviewed
5. the opportunities for family involvement will be presented and explained. Family members will be encouraged to express interest in serving in decision-making bodies of the school.
Additional Title 1 meetings will be held throughout the year at varying times and all families are welcome and encouraged to attend. Suggestions made and input received during these meetings will be considered in decision-making throughout the year and at practicable times based on the nature of the suggestions/input. Families will be informed about the meetings by marquee, school website, school messenger/email, newsletters and Facebook.
School-Parent Compact
Bluebonnet Elementary will work with families, campus faculty, and campus administration to annually develop, review, and revise the school-parent compact. This compact will identify the responsibilities of the school to provide high-level curriculum and instruction, the expectations of the parents to provide support in their child’s learning, and the expectations for students to take personal responsibility of their learning. The compacts will be distributed on the school’s website, sent home with students, and discussed at your first parent-teacher conference.
With the involvement of families, Bluebonnet Elementary School will conduct an annual evaluation of the content and success of the school parent involvement policy on the level of family participation and perception. This evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by families. The school will use evaluation findings to design strategies for more effective family involvement programming, and to revise, if necessary, its family involvement policies. Evaluation procedures include the following:
● input from the campus CEIC and its members
● annually survey families to determine the level of participation and to identify barriers that have prevented participation (Annual Family Satisfaction Survey will be an online version made available in a language understood by families whenever practicable);
● annually use survey results, volunteer database, and other resources as baseline data for the upcoming year (analysis used in making changes from year to year);
● establish a family engagement goal for the upcoming school year;
● develop and implement strategies to increase family involvement based on evaluation results.
Bluebonnet Elementary is committed to the success of all students. We will work together with our families and community to monitor the effectiveness of our Family Involvement and Title I programs with the goal of providing excellence in education for each of our students.
This is our seventh year in which Bluebonnet Elementary will participate as a Title I school. This Parent Involvement Policy will be in effect until May 2025..
This Parent Involvement Policy will be reviewed and developed jointly with the families of Bluebonnet Elementary (a campus-wide Title I program provider), in May 2025.
Bluebonnet Elementary School
updated 5/2/2024
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